Usefull links

Reference source: .Net as Open Source...
Secure IIS: how to grant access to DefaultAppPool
BitLocker activation
Code with nodejs
Outlook memory problem
Basically, set/create HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Messaging Subsystem and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Applications\Outlook DWORD value named SharedMemMaxSize to 300000 or 800000.
Python on IIS
UWP (Universal Windows Platform) samples, for indeed windows 10
Enable and disable hyper-V (a restart is needed)
bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off
bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype auto

SQL Server
sql server express service is not starting
with an error like : Could not open file e:\sql11_main_t.obj.x86release\sql\mkmastr\databases\objfre\i386\MSDBData.mdf 
SSL : obtaining a certificate with with makecert
Another solution is to use IIS manager. Under windows 2012 server New-SelfSignedCertificate seems ineffective (can't get a certifcat seen by SQL). But there is a script that may help here
Do not forget to grant right to the sql service on the certificate.

Visual Studio
2015 community – Installation hangs on LocalESPCui for fr-fr Dev12
Windows consoles...
  • diskmgmt.msc: gestionnaire de disques (disk manager)
  • certmgr.msc: gestionnaire de certificats (manager)
  • ncpa.cpl: gestionnaire de réseaux (network manager)
  • mstsc.exe: rdp client
  • virtmgmt.msc: gestionnaire Hyper-V (manager)
  • gpedit.msc: gestionnaire d'autorisation, par exemple pour gérer sous windows 10 la manière dont la machine gère windows update.
Where are docker images on windows
In short, they are in a virtual machine stored in a place managed by the Hyper-V Manager. The virtual machine may be named MobyLinuxVM.

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